"Anuraga Matrimony is really a very good platform for Brahmins. Many many thanks for your great services."
Ankitha , AGM292435
"Lots of responses came through this site. Thank you "Anuraga Matrimony" for making us busy searching for a suitable girl for my son. Nice experience. Thanks again."
Smt.Vijayashree , AGM257937
"Yes it is good matrimony. To find the bride and bride groom."
Sreelakshmi , AGM263833
"Excellent database & very interactive experience. We thank anuraga for providing us good options based on our requirements. I would certainly recommend the site for getting good alliance options. Keep up the good work. Thanks again."
Vaishak Iyer , AGM299170
"Great experience with Anuraga Matrimony. Thank you very much for the opportunity to get registration. Received lot of enquiries for the our profile. Thank you very much"
"Excellent platform for brahmins, you are doing great service for the community, I pray Sri Sharade to give all the blessings to your team"
Krishna Chaitanya , AGM279109
Welcome to Anuraga Matrimony
Anuraga Matrimonial Center, Mysore, is a marriage counseling center serving all sets of Brahmin community for the past 25 years. Read More